Makalah politik hukum kenotariatan
Makalah politik hukum kenotariatan

makalah politik hukum kenotariatan makalah politik hukum kenotariatan

This research used normative-juridical to people. The aims of this research were to find how handling the law conflict of oil palm plantation in Deli Serdang North Sumatra and find the solution that given by government so the social justice was realized. The lack of economic levelling is the main factor so that the communities around the plantation work on government land as their land and residence. Plantation land conflicts become a serious problem in Indonesia, especially in Deli Serdang, North Sumatra, the Plantation Law has been established since 2004 and changes were made in 2014, but plantation land conflicts still occur today. It is necessary to have a legal policy on handling of plantation conflicts by the government which gives a sense of justice for the parties. When conflict occurs, government is the most authorized party to handle it, the objective and impartial parties of either party in conflict.

makalah politik hukum kenotariatan

Plantation conflicts need to be handled properly so that the main objective of plantation management can be achieved. The majority of conflicts occur between farmers and plantation companies that cause many losses, both material and non-material. One of agriculture problem in Indonesia is land plantation disputes that cause a conflict on plantation business. It makes agriculture problems become the main problem for indonesian. Legal Politics the Handling of the Plantation Conflict by the Government in Creating the Social Justice Indonesia is a agraris country, where economic and society lifes depend on agriculture product. Perlu adanya politik hukum penanganan konflik perkebunan oleh pemerintah yang memberikan rasa keadilan bagi pada pihak-pihak yang berkonflik. Ketika konflik terjadi, pemerintah adalah pihak yang paling berwenang dalam menanganinya, pihak yang obyektif dan tidak memihak salah satu pihak yang berkonflik. Konflik usaha perkebunan perlu ditangani dengan baik agar tujuan utama dari pengelolaan perkebunan dapat tercapai. Mayoritas konflik perkebun-an terjadi antara petani dengan perusahaan perkebunan yang menyebabkan banyak kerugian, baik material maupun non material. Salah satu permasalahan pertanian di Indonesia yaitu sengketa tanah perkebunan yang berujung pada konflik perkebunan. Hal tersebut mengakibatkan persoalan pada bidang pertanian menjadi masalah pokok bagi masyarakat Indonesia.

makalah politik hukum kenotariatan

Negara Indonesia merupakan negara agraris, dimana sumber ekonomi dan penghidupan masyarakatnya sangat bergantung pada produksi maupun hasil-hasil pertanian.

Makalah politik hukum kenotariatan